Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I am so tiny...

I even surprise myself, on how tiny I am. I look like Lily Tomlin did in her big rocking chair when she played Edith Ann. Posted by Picasa


Paula Adams Perez said...

Daisy Mae, you are so darling in pink! I make Mommy show me your blog every day so I can see you! How much is a flight to Tennessee? (I could sit under a seat...) - Gipper

Anonymous said...

well i can tell your mom is back and she is spendin time w you not just leving u laing in the yard by youe self i have misst u littu girl you u do look like lilly hahahaah but more Beautiful and a lot cuter haahah so tell your mom not to wate to long to put more photos on her of you so can have coffe in the morning w/ you ps sorry i cant spell iam old