Monday, November 06, 2006

Can I have whatever you got? Please

This works.
Believe me. They fall for it most the time. My Daddie falls for it all the time. They call it"Sitting Pretty"
I call it my Burger King ploy, I can always have it my way.
Would you say no to this? Posted by Picasa


srp said...

Max is learning to say "I Love You" or some garbled facsimile of that. Mainly he just smacks his lips, sticks his tongue out and yowls.

Anonymous said...

wow u look beautiful in you sweeter and it works w/ me

Anonymous said...

My brother Russell does a similar move. He calls it "sitting pretty", I call it "stealing my attention". I love all of your outfits.

Anonymous said...

I could not say "No" to this, especially not with that lavender sweater! I must get myself one of those! (Sweaters, not Daisy Mae's. There is only one of her!)