We keeping getting new doggie cyper friends and my mom thinks they are all great and cute.
Now, I must admit this litte Frenchie Bulldog or is it a pug? has the best face and a good sense of style.
Dog Fancy Magazine has a feature on Frenchies...(2/07)
Go visit her
I wish we could play....
Who is the stinkerbell in stinkerbell 72?
I know my mom will start calling me stinkerbell now.
She thinks it is funny nickname.
Hi Daisy Mae,
I came to visit to see you and I was so surprised and excited when I saw my very own squished face. I am a celebrity! I am a 3 month old pug and I want to be your best friend. I told my mom she has some serious online shopping to do. I only have 5 dresses and I have got some catching up to do with Daisy Mae. Camo is so cute, hope the two of you are getting along better. Big brothers are a pain too. Mine is crazy but I still love him.
Oh and P.S.
Stinkerbell is my human sister but I think we would make good stinkerbell's too!
I was going to tell you that "stinkerbell" is Little Miss M's nickname but Momma Miss M already did. We are great friends with them, for fifteen years we lived in their town. I think that Miss Lulubelle's big brother, Little Man is the biggest stinker!
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