Saturday, June 16, 2007

Camo is doing fine

Camo is doing fine. He doesn't like to take his medicine because it makes him sleepy.
I like that he is sleepy in the morning, so I can peacefully take my mid morning nap.
Then he is up and running around like the silly boy that he is.
All is well, except our Koi Kitty is slowly down and may not be with us much longer.
I hope she makes it thru the summer, because she likes walking around with us.
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Abby said...

I'm glad Camo is doing better, I read your last post. I have never been very sick, though I do have to take dewormer tablets every month, but my mommy wraps them in lunch meat, and everything is fine. :-)

Anonymous said...

So glad Camo is feeling better.
I was wondering how the rescued pup is doing-is there a happy ending to the story?