Miss Daisy Mae, maybe the cutest little dog in the world. She has Southern charm,an amazing wardrobe and a curly tail. She is a Tennessee terrier, 80% Yorkshire Terrier and 20% second cousin. She has the joy and problems of two kid brothers, a mini dachshund named Camo and a mixed terrier named HillBilly.
This is her world and welcome to it!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Cookie Monster surrenders
We steal the cookies in our house. We don't need the help of no "Cookie Monster" Camo caught the monster in the act and had to apply doxiekungfu. Dachshunds always go for the ankles to stop any thief in their tracks.
Good jog, Camo!!!
Way to go, Camo. Show no mercy! From Lucy Lawless and her brother Rusty, who eviscerates all stuffed animals so they can't attack.
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