Thursday, September 06, 2007


Today, her name is Maedli.
It means little girl in German.
She is living at Stroppi's house.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
My little dachshund boyfriend has a new little sister that is bigger than he is.
Just like my little brother is bigger than me.
She's already sleeping in his mom's bed.
That little girl knows how to move right in.

They are going to try to find her first home, in case she is lost and not just dropped off.

People drop off animals here.
I couldn't imagine my mom driving me someplace
and telling me to leave the car and driving away.
I wouldn't leave the car.
I would tell her to drive me into cyberspace and I would meet all my friends there.
Yup! That's what I would do!
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1 comment:

Abby said...

That's a cute name for the girl! That plan of yours is a good plan, Daisy Mae. I'm sure it will work.